Pembroke Master Plan Update


Pembroke Hill School

Saturday, October 28, 2017 ~  9:00 AM–12:30 PM

The Planning Board cordially invites you and your family to attend the Master Plan’s COMMUNITY VISIONING FORUM on Saturday, October 28.This is a great opportunity for residents to offer suggestions on important Town issues and to get involved in the community planning process to help inform the Pembroke Master Plan Update.

Spend a few hours with us to hear about the recent Community Survey results and discuss Master Plan topics in small groups:Land Use & Economic Development, Transportation, Housing, Community and Recreational Facilities & Energy, and Natural and Cultural Resources.

Morning and lunch refreshments will be provided. The Recreation Commission will host festive activities to keep our younger residents entertained while parents participate in the event.

For more information, please visit the Master Plan website at or call Stephanie Verdile at 485-4747 x 210.

What do you want our Town to look like in 10 years?