On Monday, August 28, 2017, five teachers from the Pembroke School District were presented with letters of appreciation and gift cards from the Pembroke School Board for their dedication to educational excellence.
Mrs. Lisa Pellerin, Pembroke Village School teacher presented the Board with an overview of the “Einstein Behavior Support” program and the Village Schools efforts to teach Pembroke students behavioral expectations by learning the “Zones of Regulation”, at it’s meeting on February 14, 2017. The Board appreciates the Village Schools efforts to establish positive behaviors early in a student’s educational career.
Ms. Sarah Shirilla, Pembroke Hill School teacher presented the Board with an overview of the Pembroke Hill School Literacy Collaborative program at the March 21, 2017 Board meeting. The students at the Hill school are independently reading 5 to 7 books each week and the Board appreciates Ms. Shirillas’ enthusiasm and commitment to the program.
Ms. Aimee Monterio, Three Rivers School teacher presented an overview to the Board of the math program at the Three Rivers School at its April 4, 2017 meeting. The Board appreciated Ms. Monterios’ math presentation which also showed how she integrated the math curriculum with other courses being offered to Three Rivers students.
Ms. Tara Batchelder, Pembroke Academy teacher presented the Board with an overview of the math program at the Pembroke Academy during its May 23, 2017 Board meeting. Ms. Batchelders’ presentation showed that while the approach to teaching math has indeed changed that there are many advantages to the new approach to math and that Math instruction has become more practical and based on real world situations. The Board appreciated Ms. Batchelders’ enthusiasm for a subject matter which will ultimately play a very large part in developing twenty first century skills.
Ms. Kristen Doyle, Pembroke Academy teacher presented an overview of establishing classroom culture and course reflections during the Pembroke School Boards May 9, 2017 meeting. Ms. Doyle’s presentation showed the importance of establishing classroom culture as a foundation to having a successful classroom. The Board was appreciative of Ms. Doyle’s work with students to establish classroom norms.