We Are
Located in the Haley Building on the corner of Pembroke Street and Academy Road.
Our nine schools provide pre-K through 12 educational experiences for approximately 3,100 students. Pembroke Academy serves as the high school experience for students from the communities of Allenstown, Chichester, Epsom and Pembroke. The majority of Deerfield students attend Concord High School.
All our schools embrace the vision of 21st Century Learning with the integration of technology at the forefront of what we do with our students each day.
Our hours of operation are:
Regular Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
Summer Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 3:30pm
Our Central Office is structured using an innovative superintendent model. Each superintendent has sole responsibllity for specific districts.
- Patricia Sherman leads the Deerfield and Pembroke School Districts as well as both the SAU Full Board and the SAU Executive Board and oversees the day to day operation of the SAU Central Office.
- Peter Warburton, leads the Allenstown, Chichester and Epsom School Districts.
SAU employees include central office staff and a number of teachers and “specialists” who work in school buildings, but are billed through the SAU. This occurs in SAU sponsored programs like Pre-School\TLC or in alternative programs like Bridge. It can also occur as a cost saving measure when a school needs a specialist such as psychologists or Occupational/Physical/Speech Therapist, but do not need them full time.
The SAU Central Office itself in managed and directed using a “Shared Leadership Model” by a team of administrators, often referred to as COLT – The Central Office Leadership Team. The following administrators are members of COLT.

Patricia Sherman, Superintendent
As Superintendent for Deerfield and Pembroke it is an honor to serve the Boards, staff, students and communities that I work for. I provide leadership and oversight for all matters regarding the education and safety of our students.

Amber Wheeler, Business Administrator
Amber manages and coordinates the financial and operational aspects of each district within our Administrative Unit.

Peter Warburton, Superintendent
As Superintendent I provide academic, business, and community leadership for the Allenstown, Chichester, and Epsom School Districts. As the former Superintendent of SAU #53, I consider it a privilege to continue to work with such dedicated educators who serve the students of our school districts.

Christopher Motika, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Karen Guercia, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
Karen works with district and sau leaders, school staff, parents and community members to effectively support students in all our schools while maintaining compliance with state and federal laws. This position spans across all areas of student support including IDEA, Section 504, English Learners, Home Education, McKinney-Vento and Title IX.

Joshua Berube, Director of Information Technology
Identifies trends and developments in information technology, assesses related impact upon operations, and recommends implementation of technology or services that support the strategic direction of our school districts.
Oversees maintenance and upgrades of our current network infrastructure to ensure optimal delivery of services and resources.

Kathy Sutphen, Executive Assistant

Christine Vayda, Assistant Business Administrator

Adam McKenna, Payroll/Finance Coordinator

Colleen Brochu, Human Resources

Kathy Robarge, Federal Grant Managment / Student Services Assistant
Lynne DeVarney, Staff Accountant

Julie Wright, Student Services Assistant

Kathy Spain, Student Services Bookkeeper

Mary Dobson, Preschool/LEA

Kelly Raitt, OOD/Court Liaison
Andrea Mahlstedt, Receptionist

Educational Leadership
Educational Leadership
Long Range Strategic Planning
Annual School Board Goals
Board Policy Development
Policy Implementation
Contract Negotiations
Curriculum Planning And Oversight
Legal Services
Professional Staff Development
School Improvement
Space Needs Planning
Grant Writing
Public Communication And Relations
Recruitment Administration
Evaluation Administration

Student Services
Compliance with federal and state regulations
Needs analyzis and intervention selection
Collect and analyze data on services and outcomes
Budget Development
Budget Oversite

Business & Finance
Accounting and Financial Management
Annual Meeting Preparation
Budget Development
Budget Management
Budget Forecasting
Management Systems
Accounts Payables
Accounts Receivable
Grant Management
Personnel Administration/Records
Purchasing and Contract Bidding
State and Federal Government Reporting

Strategic Planning of Services
Centralize Distribution of Services
Contract Negotiation
Coordinate Erate and Grant Funding
Provide High Level of Technical Support