Left to right: Lois Stevens, CEC NH, Esther Kennedy, CEC NH, Ken Fuller, Santina Thibedeau, NH DOE Director of Special Education, Jodi Gutterman, CEC NH
Ken Fuller, Lead Teacher at the Bridge Alternative Program at SAU 53, was recognized as the New Hampshire Special Education Teacher of the Year by the Council for Exceptional Children. Ken has worked in the program since its inception in 2007 and has developed, along with the Bridge staff, a successful program for middle school students who need additional assistance in order to transition to their middle school classes and on to high school. Ken was recognized for his work with children and families as well as his consulting work in our schools and presenting professional development to staff. On May 3rd a special award presentation in district was made by CEC, NH. This presentation was attended by colleagues from around the district, current and former students and Ken’s family.
On June 10th, Ken was formally recognized at the state awards, the NH Edies.