Dear Allenstown Community Members,
The Allenstown School Board is sending out this letter to provide information regarding the February Community Forums, and the March 11th Allenstown School Board presentation of the Feasibility Study by the Harriman Architects and Engineers Group.
First, we want to thank you for supporting our 2019/20 school budget. This ‘needs’ budget is much appreciated and will allow the Board, administration, and staff to provide a quality education for all of our students.
We would also like to thank those residents and staff that came to our February Community Forums at AES and ARD. The goal of the forums was to collect thoughts on school topics ranging from how our schools are perceived as a part of the community; response to curriculum; and to the future of our physical buildings. The Board’s goal was simple: to start the conversations. At the end of each Forum, we promised to deliver the results. A consolidated document of all responses can be found on the AES and ARD websites for your review.
The second item to share with you is the Harriman presentation and their facility and educational analysis. Those documents are also saved on the respective school’s websites. As you will see from the documents, the representatives from Harriman did not make specific recommendations on March 11th. We expect preliminary options at the Allenstown School Board meeting on April 8th (at AES, 6PM). Final options and the final report by Harriman will be presented at the Allenstown School Board meeting on May 13th (at ARD, 6PM).
At our March 11th School Board meeting, the School Board was presented quite a bit of information for the first time, and there was no agenda item for public Q&A. Because of that, the Board has scheduled time for Q&A at their April 8th meeting with Harriman representatives. This is the opportunity for members of the community to ask questions of both the Harriman Group and of the School Board relevant to the Harriman feasibility study.
We hope to see many of you at the next two School Board meetings. We have a great little community here in Allenstown and as a Board, want to continue fostering that positive environment in our schools with an intelligent look to the future for our children.
Thank you for your continued support of the Allenstown School District.
Allenstown School Board
Forum Results